3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
General Information
Alert/Alarm 1
This indicates whether the monitor has entered Alert/Alarm 1. A monitor will
enter the Alert/Alarm 1 state when any proportional value provided by the
monitor exceeds its configured Alert/Alarm 1 setpoint.
Danger/Alarm 2
This indicates whether the monitor has entered Danger/Alarm 2. A monitor
will enter the Danger/Alarm 2 state when any proportional value provided by
the monitor exceeds its configured Danger/Alarm 2 setpoint.
This indicates when the monitor has bypassed alarming for one or more
proportional values at a channel. When a channel bypass status is set, this
monitor bypass status will also be set.
Configuration Fault
This indicates if the monitor configuration is valid.
Special Alarm Inhibit
This indicates whether all the nonprimary Alert/Alarm 1 alarms in the
associated monitor channel are inhibited.
The Channel Special Alarm Inhibit function is active when:
- The Alarm Inhibit contact (INHB/RET) on the I/O Module is closed
- A Channel Special Alarm Inhibit software switch is enabled.
Channel Status
This indicates that no fault has been detected by the associated monitor
There are three types of channel OK checking: Transducer Input Voltage,
Transducer Supply Voltage, and Keyphasor OK. Keyphasor OK only affects
channel pairs that have Keyphasor signals assigned to them. A channel OK
status will be deactivated if any of the three OK types goes not OK.
Alert/Alarm 1
This indicates whether the associated monitor channel has entered
Alert/Alarm 1. A channel will enter the Alert/Alarm 1 state when any
proportional value provided by the channel exceeds its configured Alert/Alarm
1 setpoint.
Danger/Alarm 2
This indicates whether the associated monitor channel has entered
Danger/Alarm 2. A channel will enter the Danger/Alarm 2 state when any
proportional value provided by the channel exceeds its configured
Danger/Alarm 2 setpoint.
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