3500/42 Operation and Maintenance
Full Scale Formulas - No Integration
To Input RMS Volts
To Input Peak to Peak
in/s pk
(T.S.F x Full-scale) x 0.707
(T.S.F x Full-scale) x 2
mm/s pk
(T.S.F x Full-scale) x 0.707
(T.S.F x Full-scale) x 2
in/s rms
(T.S.F x Full-scale)
(T.S.F x Full-scale) x 2.82
mm/s rms
(T.S.F x Full-scale)
(T.S.F x Full-scale) x 2.82
To use the formulas, the T.S.F. should be in volts and the T.S.F and full-scale
values should both be of the same unit system (metric or English). The
transducer Scale Factor will always be specified as volts per inch/second pk or
volts per millimetre/second pk.
Example 1:
Transducer Scale Factor = 500 mV/(in/s)
Full Scale = 0.5 in/s pk
For Peak to Peak input:
2 = 0.5 Vpp
For Vrms input:
0.707 = 0.1767 Vrms
Example 2:
Transducer Scale Factor = 19.69 mV/(mm/s)
Full Scale = 20 mm/s pk
For Peak to Peak input:
2 = 0.7876 Vpp
For RMS input:
0.707 = 0.2784 Vrms
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