RCDS mode and route checking
Alarm object
The object editor (OE) is used to plot user data on the charts: simple point, lines or areas. For
more details see
An alarm object is a geographical area, which triggers an alarm when the ship sails into it or
when a planned route crosses it.
Define alarm object
Right click on the object outline, plotted on the chart, and click
Set alarm
in the pop-up
The object outline changes to red to underline that it has become an
alarm object
. The
width is one pixel and the area is not filled.
Where the alarmed object is a point, this is surrounded by a red rectangle.
Monitoring user alarm
When the ship’s guard zone intercepts an alarmed object an alarm is triggered. The alarm is
displayed as long as the alarmed object remains inside the ships guard zone.
The guard zone depends on time and speed.
Route planning user alarm
In RCDS mode route checking against chart data is not possible, but the function
checks the planned route against user defined alarms and notifies when an alarmed
area is violated.
| ECDIS900 Operator Manual