Tide date
The tide is calculated for the current ECDIS time.
Ocean current
The date is displayed on top of the chart when a weather forecast file is loaded. For more
details about weather forecast see
The chart date could be different from the ECDIS time displayed in the Time panel: indeed
when weather forecasts are displayed on top of the chart it could be useful to select another
chart date to display the future weather situation.
The chart date is displayed in local time. It can be adjusted in the time setting dialog or
synchronize with ECDIS time using the button
Time synchronization
located in the
weather panel.
Total tide
This module should be installed and requires license key and activation key.
Different kinds of ports are defined:
Standard ports
- These are ports where the tidal predictions are calculated from a set of
harmonic constants.
Secondary ports
– same as Standard port, however the observations made to collect this
information generally were not as extensive as with standard ports and so the tidal
predictions are of average quality.
Secondary ports (non-harmonic)
- These ports do not have any harmonic constants,
instead their tidal predictions are calculated by taking the prediction for a reference port and
applying time and height differences.
Main tide stations are represented by a red square icon, and secondary stations by a yellow
one. In this case, click the proper link to open the main station window.
Custom ports - These ports are ones that are defined by the user by manual input of a set
of harmonic constants.
The chart date is displayed in local time. It can be adjusted in the time setting dialog or
synchronize with ECDIS time using the button Time synchronization located in the weather
Select the different view.
Tools for safe navigation
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