When a directory is selected, all files of that directory are saved.
The function Save As is not applicable on directories.
Create a new file
Press the button New to create a new empty file. By default this file is called Untitled and
contains five layers called Layer 0,.., Layer 7.
Untitled is a reserved name and the file Untitled cannot be saved with that name. A new
name has to be entered to store the newly created Untitled file on hard disk.
Back up files
To back up files on a memory stick, select a file’s or a directory’s name and press Back Up. The
file or all files contained in the selected directory will be copied on the memory stick.
Import file
The ECDIS can convert different types of files with proprietary format and display the data as
object editor data.
The ECDIS is compatible with Statoil data stored in files with extension .xy (pipelines), .dat
(Platforms) and .txt (Fixtar).
Each file contains 8 layers and the user selects the layer to store its data in.
Each layer has a display priority and the layer list control in which order the layers are
displayed: the first layer of the list is displayed the first.
Each layer's name can be changed and the order the layers are displayed can be adjusted.
Moreover, each layer can be made locked or unlocked, shown or hidden and minimum /
maximum scales can be edited, meaning that the layer is displayed only when the chart scale
is comprised between these two scales.
User’s data can be copied and pasted from one layer to another.
Layer's name
Changing name of the layer is done by clicking on the name once and entering the new
Layer Display Priority
In the list, the layer “General” is displayed first, Approaches in second etc.
To modify the display priority select a layer name and drag it up or down the list.
Click on the locker on the left side of the list to make the layer locked. After the object is
locked it is not allowed to edit.
Click on the eye button on the left side of the list to hide the layer locked. Then the layer is
made invisible and locked.
Minimum/Maximum scales
In the picture the layer General is visible when the chart scale is comprised between 1 / 100
000 000 and 1 / 8 000 000 and the layer Harbor when the scale is bigger than 1/ 500 000.
Editors overview
| ECDIS900 Operator Manual