Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
A VM pin that is not occupied can be used as another GPIO.
Figure 27-6 Follow mode
OPAMP internal gain (PGA) mode
The internal amplification mode, amplifies the input voltage through a built-in resistor feedback network.
OPAMPx_CS. MOD = 2b’10 is a PGA function that supports 2/4/8/16/32 magnification. OPAMPx_CS. VMSSEL
or OPAMPx_CS. VMSEL pins must be set to float. OPAMPx_CS.VPSSEL or OPAMPx_CS.VPSEL select positive
input.The positive input can be connected to an external pin, which can be an output port for another OPAMP or a
resistive network.Set OPAMPx_CS. PGAGAN to gain selection.The output of an OPAMP can be input to another
OPAMP or a resistive network.
OPAMP's VM input pin can be used as a normal GPIO.