Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Universal synchronous asynchronous receiver transmitter (USART)
USART is a full-duplex universal synchronous/asynchronous serial transceiver module. This interface is a highly
flexible serial communication device that can perform full-duplex data exchange with external devices.
The USART has programmable transmit and receive baud rates and can communicate continuously using DMA. It
also supports multiprocessor communication, LIN mode, synchronous mode, single-wire half-duplex communication,
smart card asynchronous protocol, IrDA SIR ENDEC function, and hardware flow control function.
Main features
Full-duplex operation
Single-wire half-duplex operation
Baud rate generator, the highest baud rate can reach 4.5Mbit/s
Support serial data frame structure with 8 or 9 data bits, 1 or 2 stop bits
Generation and checking of supported parity bits
Support hardware flow control: RTS flow control and CTS flow control
Support DMA receiving and sending
Support multi-processor communication mode, can enter mute mode, wake up by idle detection or address mark
Synchronous mode, allowing users to control bidirectional synchronous serial communication in master mode
Comply with ISO7816-3 standard, support smart card asynchronous protocol
IrDA SIR ENDEC function: IrDA normal mode and IrDA low power mode
LIN (Local Area Network) mode
Support data overflow error detection, frame error detection, noise error detection, parity error detection
Interrupt requests include: transmit data register empty, CTS flag, transmit complete, receive data ready to read,
data overflow detected, idle line detected, parity error, LIN break frame detection, noise flag/overflow
error/frame error in multi-buffer communication