Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
according to the correct sequence w1->w0->w1->r0 (where r0 is required); After that, it will become 0 only
after system reset.
PLOCK_CFGy is GPIOx_PLOCK_CFG [15:0], which can only be modified when PLOCKK_ CFG = 0, that
is, it is unlocked.
The sequence w1->w0->w1->r0 is valid only when the PLOCKK_CFG is written at the same time as the non-
zero GPIOx_PLOCKK_CFG [15: 0]. GPIOx_PLOCK_CFG [15:0] must not be changed during sequence
GPIOx_PH_CFG/GPIOx_PL_CFG bits can be modified as long as PLOCK _ CFG = 0, which is not affected
by the configuration of GPIOx_PLOCK_CFG [15:0].
PLOCKK_CFG=1, GPIOx_PH_CFG/GPIOx_PL_CFG is controlled by GPIOx_PLOCK_CFG [15:0],
corresponding to PLOCK_CFGy
y = 0…15
=1 which is a locked configuration and cannot be modified, and
PLOCK_CFGy=0, can be modified.
If the sequence operation is wrong, w1->w0->w1->r0 must be performed again to initiate the locking operation
GPIO registers
These peripheral registers must be operated as 32-bit words.
GPIO register overview
GPIOA base address: 0x40010800
GPIOB base address: 0x40010C00
GPIOC base address: 0x40011000
GPIOD base address: 0x40011400
GPIOE base address: 0x40011800
GPIOF base address: 0x40011C00
GPIOG base address: 0x40012000