Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Bit field
After a ACK, the hardware sets this bit to' 1' when the slave device detects a stop condition on
the bus.
Note: I2C_STS1.STOPF bit is not set after receiving NACK.
10-bit header sent (Master mode)
After the software reads the STS1 register, the operation of writing to the CTRL1 register will
clear this bit, or when I2C_CTRL1.EN=0, the hardware will clear this bit.
0: No ADD10F event;
1: Master has sent the first address byte.
In 10-bit address mode, when the master device has sent the first byte, the hardware sets this bit
to' 1'.
Note: After receiving a NACK, the I2C_STS1.ADDR10F bit is not set.
Byte transfer finished
After the software reads the STS1 register, reading or writing the data register will clear this bit;
Or after sending a start or stop condition in sending mode, or when I2C_CTRL1.EN=0, this bit is
cleared by hardware.
Byte transfer does not finish.
Byte transfer finished.
When I2C_CTRL1.NOEXTEND =0, the hardware sets this bit to' 1' in the following cases:
In receiving mode, when a new byte (including ACK pulse) is received and the data register has
not been read (I2C_STS1.RXDATNE=1).In sending mode, when a new data is to be transmitted
and the data register has not been written with the new data (I2C_STS1.TXDATE=1).
Note: After receiving a NACK, the BSF bit will not be set.
If the next byte to be transferred is PEC (I2C _STS2.TRF is' 1' and I2C_CTRL1.PEC is' 1'), the
BSF bit will not be set.
Address sent (master mode) / matched (slave mode)
After the STS1 register is read by software, reading the STS2 register will clear this bit, or when
I2C_CTRL1.EN=0, it will be cleared by hardware.
0: Address mismatch or no address received(slave mode) or Address sending did not end(master
1: Received addresses matched(slave mode) or Address sending ends(master mode)
In master mode:
In 7-bit address mode, this bit is set to' 1' after receiving the ACK of the address.In 10-bit address
mode, this bit is set to' 1' after receiving the ACK of the second byte of the address.
In slave mode:
Hardware sets this bit to' 1' (when the corresponding setting is enabled) when the received slave
address matches the content in the OADDR register, or a general call or SMBus device default
address or SMBus host or SMBus alter is recognized.
Note: After receiving NACK, the I2C_STS1.ADDRF bit will not be set.
Start bit (Master mode)
After the STS1 register is read by software, writing to the data register will clear this bit, or when
I2C_CTRL1.EN=0, the hardware will clear this bit.
0: Start condition was not sent;