Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Error flag
Master mode failure error (MODERR)
The following two conditions will cause the master mode failure error:
NSS pin hardware management mode, the master device NSS pin is pulled low;
NSS pin software management mode, the SPI_CTRL1.SSEL bit is set to 0.
When a master mode failure error occurs, the SPI_STS.MODERR bit is set to 1. An interrupt is generated if the user
enables the corresponding interrupt (SPI_CTRL2.ERRINTEN = 1). The SPI_CTRL1.SPIEN bit and
SPI_CTRL1.MSEL bit will be write protected and both are cleared by hardware. SPI is turned off and forced into
slave mode
Software performs a read or write operation to the SPI_STS register, and then writes to the SPI_CTRL1 register to
clear the SPI_STS.MODERR bit (in multi-master mode, the master's NSS pin must be pulled high first).
Normally, the SPI_STS.MODERR bit of the slave cannot be set to 1. However, in a multi-master configuration, the
slave's SPI_STS.MODERR bit may be set to 1. In this case, the SPI_STS.MODERR bit indicates that there is a multi-
master collision. The interrupt routine can perform a reset or return to the default state to recover from an error state.
Overflow error (OVER)
When the SPI_STS.RNE bit is set to 1, but there is still data sent into the receive buffer, an overflow error will occur.
At this time, the overflow flag SPI_STS.OVER bit is set to 1. An interrupt is generated if the user enables the
corresponding interrupt (SPI_CTRL2.ERRINTEN = 1). All received data is lost, and the SPI_DAT register retains
only previously unread data.
Read the SPI_DAT register and the SPI_STS register in turn to clear the SPI_STS.OVER bit.
CRC error (CRCERR)
The CRC error flag is used to check the validity of the received data. A CRC error occurs when the received CRC
value does not match the SPI_CRCRDAT value. At this time, the SPI_STS.CRCERR flag bit is set to '1', and an
interrupt will be generated if the user enables the corresponding interrupt (SPI_CTRL2.ERRINTEN = 1).
SPI interrupt
Table 21-1 SPI interrupt request
Interrupt event
Event flag bit
Enable control bit
Send buffer empty flag
Receive buffer non empty flag
Master mode failure event
Overflow error
CRC error flag