Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
Bit Field
00001: PLL input clock × 3
00010: PLL input clock × 4
00011: PLL input clock × 5
00100: PLL input clock × 6
00101: PLL input clock × 7
00110: PLL input clock × 8
00111: PLL input clock × 9
01000: PLL input clock × 10
01001: PLL input clock × 11
01010: PLL input clock × 12
01011: PLL input clock × 13
01100: PLL input clock × 14
01101: PLL input clock × 15
01110: PLL input clock × 16
01111: PLL input clock × 16
10000: PLL input clock × 17
10001: PLL input clock × 18
10010: PLL input clock × 19
10011: PLL input clock × 20
10100: PLL input clock × 21
10101: PLL input clock × 22
10110: PLL input clock × 23
10111: PLL input clock × 24
11000: PLL input clock × 25
11001: PLL input clock × 26
11010: PLL input clock × 27
11011: PLL input clock × 28
11100: PLL input clock × 29
11101: PLL input clock × 30
11110: PLL input clock × 31
11111: PLL input clock × 32
HSE prescaler for PLL input
Set and cleared by software to divide HSE before PLL entry. This bit can only be
written when PLL is disabled.
0: HSE clock not divided
1: HSE divided by 2
PLL clock source
Set and cleared by software to select PLL clock source. This bit can only be
written when PLL is disabled.
0: HSI clock divided by 2 is used as the PLL input clock
1: HSE clock selected as PLL input clock
Reserved, the reset value must be maintained.