Nations Technologies Inc.
Address: Nations Tower, #109 Baoshen Road, Hi-tech Park North.
Nanshan District, Shenzhen, 518057, P.R.China
When a trigger event occurs, the counter value of LFSR register 1 is added to the value of the corresponding data
holding register. The added value is transferred to register DAC_DATO1 after a delay of 3 APB1 clock cycles, and
the counter value of LFSR register 1 will be updated at this time; LFSR The counter value of register 2 is added to
the value of the corresponding data holding register. The added value is transferred to register DAC_DATO2 after a
delay of 3 APB1 clock cycles, and the counter value of LFSR register 2 will be updated at this time.
Synchronous trigger to generate the same triangle wave
The configuration process is as follows:
Configure DAC_CTRL.T1EN and DAC_CTRL.T2EN to enable trigger enable of DAC1 and DAC2.
Configure DAC_CTRL.T1SEL[2:0] and DAC_CTRL.T2SEL[2:0] to be the same value to select the same
trigger source.
Configure DAC_CTRL.W1EN[1:0] and DAC_CTRL.W2EN[1:0] as “1x” to select the triangle wave generation
Configure DAC_CTRL.MA1SEL3:0] and DAC_CTRL.MA2SEL3:0] to the same value to get the same triangle
wave amplitude.
Put the data to be converted into the corresponding alignment data holding register.
When a trigger event occurs, the triangular wave amplitude value of DAC1 is added to the value of the corresponding
data holding register. The added value is transferred to the register DAC_DATO1 after a delay of 3 APB1 clock
cycles, and the counter value of the triangular wave of DAC1 will be updated at this time; The triangular wave
amplitude is added to the value of the corresponding data holding register. The added value is transferred to the
register DAC_DATO2 after a delay of 3 APB1 clock cycles, and the counter value of the triangular wave of DAC2
will be updated at this time.
Synchronous trigger to generate different triangle waves
The configuration process is as follows:
Configure DAC_CTRL.T1EN and DAC_CTRL.T2EN to enable trigger enable of DAC1 and DAC2.
Configure DAC_CTRL.T1SEL[2:0] and DAC_CTRL.T2SEL[2:0] to be the same value to select the same
trigger source.
Configure DAC_CTRL.W1EN[1:0] and DAC_CTRL.W2EN[1:0] as “1x” to select the triangle wave generation
Configure DAC_CTRL.MA1SEL3:0] and DAC_CTRL.MA2SEL3:0] as different values to get different
triangle wave amplitudes.
Put the data to be converted into the corresponding alignment data holding register.
When a trigger event occurs, the triangular wave amplitude value of DAC1 is added to the value of the corresponding
data holding register. The added value is transferred to the register DAC_DATO1 after a delay of 3 APB1 clock
cycles, and the counter value of the triangular wave of DAC1 will be updated at this time; The triangular wave
amplitude is added to the value of the corresponding data holding register. The added value is transferred to the