Page 96 P/N: 4998152533-02
2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
DS7200V2-UK Installer's Guide
Assign (Area or Output), Sked #
Address: See Table 36
Default: See Table 36
0 = No Area/Output Assigned (Sked disabled)
1 = Area 1 or Output 1
2 = Area 2 or Output 2
3 = Area 3 (DS7240V2 only) or Output 3
4 = Area 4 (DS7240V2 only) or Output 4
5 = Output 5
6 = Output 6
7 = Output 7
8 = Output 8
9 = Output 9
10 = Output 10
11 = Output 11
12 = Output 12
13 = Output 13 (DS7240V2 only)
14 = Output 14 (DS7240V2 only)
15 = Output 15 (DS7240V2 only)
Enter a zero (0) in this parameter to disable the Sked.
If the Sked Type is Auto On or Auto Off, this parameter assigns an area to the Sked.
If the Sked Type is Output On or Output Off, this parameter assigns a programmable output. How the programmable output
functions at Sked time is determined in Outputs on page 86.
The output assigned to the Sked in this parameter can be any output. The Sked overrides that function at Sked Time.
The Output On/Off Sked function is only available for Outputs 1 to 15 on the DS7240V2. On the DS7220V2, it is only available
for Outputs 1 to 12.
Time, Sked #
Address: See Table 36
Default: See Table 36
Selections: 0-9
Enter the start time for the Sked. There are four digits in this entry, each one occupying an address.
Enter the time in 24-hour format (HHMM) where Midnight is 2400, noon is 1200 and 12:01 am is 0001.
Enter 0000 to disable the Sked.