DS7200V2-UK Installer's Guide
2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
P/N: 4998152533-02 Page 83
Sensor Monitor Time
Address: 1032-1033
Default: 0,7
Selections: 0-9
This parameter determines the number of days (00 to 99) that the control panel can function without sensor (zone) activity
(time accumulates only when the area is off/disarmed).
Assign this parameter by zone function (see “Options 1, Zone Function ##” in the DS7200V2 Expert Programming Guide
(P/N: 4998153891)). This parameter does not apply to fire zone types or non-fire 24-hour zone types.
If there is no sensor activity after the entered time period, a trouble report is sent.
Alarm Event Abort Window
Address: 1034
Default: 3 (45 seconds)
0-1 = 15 seconds
2 = 30 seconds
3-15 = 45 seconds
This parameter sets the length of time that a user has to enter a valid PIN and cancel an alarm before an alarm report is sent.
If a user acknowledges a non-fire alarm event by entering their PIN before the Alarm Event Abort Window expires, the
following events occur:
1. The alarm event is aborted. Alarm, Cancel and Restoral reports associated with the alarm are not transmitted. The alarm
event becomes a local only event.
2. The user hears a unique three long beep tone at the keypad.
3. The text keypad indicates the aborted alarm on the display. The LED keypad indicates the aborted alarm with a slow flash
in Alarm Memory.
See the DS7200V2 Expert Programming Guide (P/N: 4998153891) for more information on the Cancel Event enabled option
and the Enable Alarm Event Abort option.
This parameter only affects non-fire zones. Fire and Fire with Verification zones are not affected by
enabling this parameter.
Zone Trouble, Restoral from Trouble Report Routing
Address: 1038
Default: 1 (Reports to Destination 1, Events to Log/Printer)
0 = No Reports, no Events to Log/Printer
1 = Reports to Destination 1, Events to Log/Printer
2 = Reports to Destination 2, Events to Log/Printer
3 = Reports to Destinations 1 & 2, Events to Log/Printer
4 = Reports to Destination 2 only on Destination 1 Comm Fail Event, Events to Log/Printer
5 = No Reports, Events to Log/Printer
Zone Trouble report events include the following:
RF Low Battery {121}
RF Tamper Trouble {121}
Trouble Events {139 – 145}
Restoral from Trouble report events include Restoral from Trouble {146-152}.
To enable reporting at the Global Reporting Options prompt (see page 47), at least one phone number
(or IP address) must be entered for one routing destination (see page 42).