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2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
DS7200V2-UK Installer's Guide
Perimeter Only Mode Delay Time
Address: 0268-0269
Default: 0,0 (use assigned Entry Delay)
Selections: 0,0 to 15,15 (0 to 255 seconds)
Making an entry in the Perimeter Only Mode Delay Time parameter creates an Entry Delay time that only applies when the
system is armed Perimeter Only.
If the system is Perimeter Only or Partial On and any armed zone is faulted (fire and 24-hour zones excluded), the system
starts a Perimeter Only Mode Entry Delay timer. It uses this Perimeter Only Mode timer for zones that are assigned to either
Entry Delay 1 or Entry Delay 2, and zones that are not assigned Entry Delay.
Setting the Perimeter Only Mode Delay Time to zero (0, 0) disables Perimeter Only Mode delay. When the system is turned on
Perimeter Only and 0,0 is entered for Perimeter Only Mode Delay Time, the armed entry zones follow the Entry Delay
assigned to them (Entry Delay 1 or Entry Delay 2).
Programming two addresses sets the Perimeter Only Mode Delay Time. The system multiplies the number entered in the first
Address by 16 and adds that total with the number entered in the second Address. For example, to set Perimeter Only Mode
Delay Time 1 to 50 seconds, you would enter 3 in the first Address (3 x 16 = 48) and then enter 2 for the second Address (48
+ 2 = 50). Use the formula below to calculate the delay time for programming this parameter.
3 (Address 0268) x 16 = 48 + 2 (Address 0269) = 50 (Perimeter Only Delay Time)
See Entry Delay Time 1 (2) on page 57 for a list of commonly used time settings.
Exit Delay Time 1 (2)
Exit Delay Time 1: 0270-0271
Exit Delay Time 2: 0272-0273
Exit Delay Time 1: 1,14 (30 seconds)
Exit Delay Time 2: 3,12 (60 seconds)
Selections: 0,0 to 15,14 (0 to 254 seconds)
Exit Delay is the time the system allows users to exit the premises. Users must leave the premises before Exit Delay expires.
The control panel provides two Exit Delays. When a user turns the system All On or Perimeter Only On with Delay, the system
always starts Exit Delay 1. Exit Delay is set to the time you enter at the Exit Delay Time 1 parameter.
If a zone assigned to Exit Delay 2 is faulted when Exit Delay is running, the system switches from Exit Delay 1 to Exit Delay 2
(the time you enter at the Exit Delay Time 2 parameter).
If a user force-arms an Exit Delay 2 zone, the system uses Exit Delay 2 and Entry Delay 2.
Programming two addresses for each parameter sets Exit Delay Time 1 and Exit Delay Time 2. The system multiplies the
number entered in the first Address by 16 and adds that total with the number entered in the second Address. For example, to
set Exit Delay Time 1 for 50 seconds, you would enter 3 in the first Address (3 x 16 = 48) and then enter 2 for the second
Address (48 + 2 = 50). Use the formula below to calculate the delay time for programming this parameter.
3 (Address 0270) x 16 = 48 + 2 (Address 0271) = 50 (Entry Delay Time)
See Entry Delay Time 1 (2) on page 57 for a list of commonly used time settings.
See Exit Delay Configuration on page 104 for additional Exit Delay options.
If Exit Delay 1 or 2 is set to 0 (zero), the area arms instantly (no Exit Delay) in the following conditions:
Arming All On:
Both Contact Set and Exit Terminator button are disabled for the area.
Arming from a Sked, keyswitch, telephone, keyfob, or RPS.
Arming Perimeter Only or Partial On: The area arms instantly – there is no Exit Delay.