DS7200V2-UK Installer's Guide
2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
P/N: 4998152533-02 Page 57
Exit Time Restart
Address: 0263
Default: 0 (No Exit Time Restart)
0 = No Exit Time Restart
1 = Exit Time Restart
If this parameter is set to Restart (1), a violation, restoral, second violation of an Entry/Exit zone (before the end of Exit Delay)
restarts Exit Delay. One restart is allowed per arming cycle. Violation, restoral, second violation must all occur at the same
Entry/Exit zone.
Entry Delay Time 1 (2)
Entry Delay Time 1: 0264-0265
Entry Delay Time 2: 0266-0267
Entry Delay Time 1: 1, 14 (30 seconds)
Entry Delay Time 2: 3, 12 (60 seconds)
Selections: 0,0 to 15,15 (0 to 255 seconds)
Entry Delay is the time the system allows the user to turn the system off before an alarm initiates.
If the user fails to turn off the system before Entry Delay expires, an alarm event occurs. Users must enter through a zone
programmed for Entry Delay to start the Entry Delay timer.
The control panel provides two Entry Delays. Only zone function types programmed to initiate Entry Delay 1 use the entry
delay time you set at the Entry Delay Time 1 parameter. Zone function types programmed to initiate Entry Delay 2 use the
entry delay time you set at the Entry Delay Time 2 parameter.
If the system is on and a user enters through a zone assigned to Entry Delay 2, the system initiates Entry Delay 2. If the user
enters through a zone assigned to Entry Delay 1, and then through a zone assigned to Entry Delay 2, the system does not
switch from Entry Delay 1 to Entry Delay 2.
The system sounds an Entry Delay tone at the area’s keypad during Entry Delay.
Programming two addresses for each sets the Entry Delay Time 1 and Entry Delay Time 2 parameters. The system multiplies
the entry in the first address by 16 and adds it to the entry in the second address. For example, to set Entry Delay Time 1 to 50
seconds, you would enter 3 in the first address (3 x 16 = 48), and then enter 2 in the second address (48 + 2 = 50). Use the
formula below to calculate the delay time for programming this parameter.
3 (Address 0264) x 16 = 48 + 2 (Address 0265) = 50 (Entry Delay Time)
See below for commonly used time settings.
0,10 = 10 seconds (0 x 16 = 0 + 10 = 10 seconds)
1,14 = 30 seconds (1 x 16 = 16 + 14 = 30 seconds)
2,13 = 45 seconds (2 x 16 = 32 + 13 = 45 seconds)
3,12 = 60 seconds (3 x 16 = 48 + 12 = 60 seconds)
5,10 = 90 seconds (5 x 16 = 80 + 10 = 90 seconds)
7,8 = 120 seconds (7 x 16 = 112 + 8 = 120 seconds)
15,0 = 240 seconds (15 x 16 = 240 + 0 = 240 seconds)