DS7200V2-UK Installer's Guide
2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
P/N: 4998152533-02 Page 63
Area Idle Text
Area 1 Idle Text: 1426-1457
Area 2 Idle Text: 1490-1521
Area 3 Idle Text (DS7240V2 only): 1554-1585
Area 4 Idle Text (DS7240V2 only): 1618-1649
Default: Zones Open
Selections: See Table 25 on page 62
This parameter provides 16 characters of programmable text for each area displayed when the system is idle (no alarms, no
troubles, system disarmed).
If the “Don’t Show Zone Status on Keypads” option is not enabled (see “Keypad Options” in the
DS7200V2 Expert Programming Guide
(P/N: 4998153891)), the text keypad displays “OK for All On” or “OK for Perimeter”
across the second line. This indicates that all zones are normal and the system is ready to arm All On or Perimeter Only. If a
controlled zone is faulted, the area idle text for this zone’s assigned area replaces the “OK for All On/OK for Perimeter”
If a zone not configured for Perimeter Only arming is faulted, “OK for Perimeter” replaces “OK for All On” on the text keypad’s
display. The system might be armed Perimeter Only, but cannot be armed All On until the faulted zone is restored.
If the “Don’t Show Zone Status on Keypads” option is enabled, the area idle text displays continuously on the second line
when the keypad is idle (even if a zone is faulted).
If “Don’t Show Zone Status on Keypads” is selected, the default Area Idle Text (“Not Ready”) should be
changed. See Text Entry Addresses on page 40 for text entry instructions.
37.0 PIN Configuration, Installer PIN
PIN Length
Address: 0379
Default: 4 (4 digits long)
Selections: 3-7 (3 digits min; 7 digits max)
This parameter determines the number of digits in a PIN. All user PINs and the Installer PIN follow this length.
If the PIN length is shortened after PINs are entered, duplicate PINs could be created (for example, PINs
1235 and 1238 would both become 123).
Installer PIN
Address: 0383-0389
Default: 7890000
Selections: 0-9
Do not use digits 10-15 when creating the Installer PIN or User PIN. Entering these digits makes the PIN
unusable and locks the installer out of the control panel.
The Installer PIN length is the same as all other system PINs (see PIN Length on page 63). The default Installer PIN is
7890(000) depending on the PIN length.
The Installer PIN cannot disarm the system, but it can access all other functions.
The Installer PIN reports as User 0.
If the Installer PIN is left at its factory default, the panel generates a System Trouble event as set in the
Date Format and Enable PIN Trouble parameter (see “Date Format and Enable PIN Trouble” in the
DS7200V2 Expert Programming Guide (P/N: 4998153891)). Make sure to change the default value. This
event is Local Only and is stored in the history buffer.
The Enable PIN Trouble option is disabled by default.