DS7200V2-UK Installer's Guide
2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
P/N: 4998152533-02 Page 77
Options 1 for Zone Function Type 3 (24-Hour Control Input)
Address: See Table 30
Default: See Table 30
Selections: 0-4, 9-12
The 24-hour Control Input zone function type uses the following parameter option chart.
Enter This Data Digit to Select Options
24-hour Control Input Options
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Voice Active Control Input
Alternate Communication Path Fault Input
Alarm Reset Control Input
Silence Outputs Control Input
No EOL Resistor Required
Voice Active Control Input: If enabled, this option functions as a Voice Active zone. The control panel must be off-hook
and sending a report from a zone with the Voice Verification option selected. If the input goes into “alarm” within 30 seconds
after the report is sent, all alarm outputs and keypad sounders assigned to the same area as the input zone are silenced.
Activation of this input does not create any events in the history log or send any reports. When the input restores from
“alarm,” the audible devices will resume sounding if any bell time remains. The keypad sounders return to the alarm sound.
Alternate Communication Path Fault Control Input: If enabled, this option allows various external modules to be
connected for sending reports. This option also allows an external module to signal that it is unable to send reports. When
this option goes into “alarm,” the control panel initiates a System Trouble condition. Event 167 is placed in the history log and
its report is sent if there is means of sending the report. When this input restores from “alarm,” Event 168 is placed in the
history log and its report is sent. The System Trouble condition clears based on the configuration of the “Phone Line Fault
Requires Reset” option (see Phone Line Options on page 44).
Alarm Reset Control Input: If enabled, this option allows the ARC to communicate with the control panel through an
external module and remotely reset the area. This reset can only occur if the control panel is disarmed. Restoral from “alarm”
on this input type does nothing. Activation of this option does not create any events in the history log or send any reports.
Silence Outputs Control Input: If enabled, this option functions as a bell silence zone. When the input goes into “alarm,”
all alarm outputs and keypad sounders assigned to the same area as the input zone are silenced. The conditions are
silenced as soon as the input goes active. Activation of this input does not create any events in the history log or send any
reports. When the input restores from “alarm,” the audible devices resume sounding if any bell time remains. The keypad
sounders return to the alarm sound.
No EOL Resistor Required: This option determines whether the input zone functions with normal EOL resistor supervision
or without any EOL resistor supervision.