DS7200V2-UK Installer's Guide
2007 Bosch Security Systems, Inc.
P/N: 4998152533-02 Page 71
Help Function Key and Duress Report Routing
Address: 0703
Default: 1 (Reports to Destination 1, Events to Log/Printer)
0 = No Reports, no Events to Log/Printer
1 = Reports to Destination 1, Events to Log/Printer
2 = Reports to Destination 2, Events to Log/Printer
3 = Reports to Destinations 1 & 2, Events to Log/Printer
4 = Reports to Destination 2 only on Destination 1 Comm Fail Event, Events to Log/Printer
5 = No reports, Events to Log/Printer
The [1]+[3] Keys report as Zone 100 for all areas, the [4]+[6] Keys report as Zone 101 for all areas and the [7]+[9] Keys report
as Zone 102 for all areas. This is a global parameter that affects all areas. See Communication Attempt Tables on page 121
for communication sequences, and Communication Failure (Comm Fail) on page 13 for a description of Comm Fail event.
You must enable reporting at the Global Reporting Options prompt (see Global Reporting Options on
page 47) and enter at least one phone number (or IP address) for one routing destination (see Routing
Destinations on page 42).
The RF Keyfob “Panic” option follows this routing.
Guard Code Options
Address: 0705
Default: 0 (No Guard Code Options)
0 = No Guard Code Options
1 = User 28 is a Guard Code
User 28 can be programmed as a Guard Code. The Guard Code only works in the areas to which User 28 is assigned. The
authority level assigned to the Guard Code (User 28) dictates which keypad functions the guard can use.
For example, Authority Level Configuration Option 1 configures All On arming. If this is set to 0 (zero), the guard can arm at
any time. If the guard’s authority level does not allow All On arming, then the guard can never arm All On. If the guard’s
authority level allows All On arming, the guard can arm the area All On only if the Guard Code was used to disarm the area.
Authority Level Configuration Options 2 and 3 configure Perimeter Only Arming and Partial On arming. If these are set to 0
(zero), then the guard can arm in these modes at any time. If the guard’s authority level does not allow these modes, then the
guard can never arm using these modes. If the guard’s authority level allows these modes, then the guard can arm the area
using these modes only if the Guard Code was used to disarm the area.
Authority Level Configuration Option 4 configures system disarming. If this is set to 0 (zero), the guard can never disarm the
system. If the guard’s authority level does not allow disarming, the guard can never disarm the area. If the guard’s authority
level does allow disarming, then the Guard Code can only disarm the system if the system had a non-silenced alarm.
Authority Level Configuration Options 5 to 15 operate the same for the Guard Code as they do for any other user code.
Enabling or disabling these options controls which functions the Guard Code can perform.