1. Use the up and down keys to scroll though the auto-tuning parameter list. Depending on the selected control
mode in parameter 00-00, some of the auto-tuning parameters will not be accessible. (Refer to the
Auto-tuning Group 17 parameters).
2. After entering the motor nameplate rated output power (17-01), rated current (17-02), rated voltage (17-03),
rated frequency (17-04), rated speed (17-05) and number of motor poles (17-06), select the automatic tuning
mode and press the RUN key to perform the auto-tuning operation. When auto-tuning is successful the
calculated motor parameters will be saved into parameter group 02 (motor parameters).
3. (a)
“Atune “(LED) / “Rotational” will be displayed during rotational auto-tuning (17-00=0) and the motor will
rotate during auto-tuning. Ensure that it is safe to operate the motor before pressing the RUN key.
(b) “Stationary” will be displayed during stationary auto-tuning (17-00=1), the motor shaft does not rotate.
(c) The RUN LED (in the upper left corner of the RUN key) will be lit during auto-tuning.
(d) The LCD display shows “>>>” or "Atund" during the auto-tuning process.
4. Press the STOP key on the keypad to abort the auto-tuning operation.
5. In case of an auto-tuning fault, a fault message and the uncompleted message are displayed on the keypad.
The RUN LED will be flashing and the motor will coast to stop. (Refer to section 10.4 for the Auto-tuning
Faults.) The auto-tuning fault can be cleared by pressing the RESET key after which the keypad displays the
auto-tuning mode again.
All motor parameters (group 02 and group 17 parameters) will revert back to their factory settings if a fault
occurs. The motor data must be entered again before re-starting auto-
tuning. The keypad shows “>>>” during
an auto-tuning fault.
6. Upon successful completion of an auto-tune, the RUN LED will turn off. Press the DSP/FUN key to return to
the main menu to select the next operation. The auto-tuning procedure takes approximately 50 seconds.