Based on the motor nameplate set the motor rated output power (17-01), motor output rated current (17-02),
motor rated voltage (17-03), motor rated frequency (17-04), motor rated speed (17-05) and number of motor
poles (17-06) to perform an auto-tune.
Automatic tuning mode selection (17-00=0)
Rotational auto-tuning (17-00=0)
Perform rotational auto-tune (High performance auto-tune)
Static auto-tuning (17-00=1)
Motor does not rotate during auto-tuning and this tuning causes lower power at low speed.
Stator resistance measurement (17-00=2)
Perform stator resistance non-rotational auto-tune (V/F mode) suitable when using long motor leads. This tuning
mode causes results in lower torque at low speed.
Loop tuning (17-00=4)
Performance improvement (speed and torque regulation) in vector control mode
Rotation Auto-tuning Combination (17-00=5)
This tuning mode is a combination of three auto-tuning modes, Loop tuning (17-00=4), Stator resistance tuning
(17-00=2) and Rotational auto-tuning (17-00=0).
Static Auto-tune Combination (17-00=6)
This tuning mode is a combination of three auto-tuning modes, Loop tuning (17-00=4), Stator resistance
measurement (17-00=2) and Static auto-tuning (17-00=1)
Motor rated output power (17-01)
Set motor power rating based on the motor nameplate, input range depends on the inverter rating (13-00).
Motor rated current (17-02)
(1) Set motor FLA based on the motor nameplate, input range depends on the inverter rating (13-00).
(2) In V/F mode, range is 10~120 % of the inverter rated current.
(3) In SLV mode, range is 25~120% of the inverter rated current.
Motor rated voltage (17-03)
Set motor voltage based on the motor nameplate. Prevent motor from saturating when the motor rated voltage is
greater than the inverter input voltage (see Example 1).