Motor rated frequency (17-04)
Set motor base frequency based on the motor nameplate.
Motor rated speed (17-05)
Set motor base speed frequency based on the motor nameplate.
Number of poles (17-06)
Set number of motor poles, range is 2~16 poles.
Motor no-load voltage (17-08)
(1) Motor no-load voltage is mainly used in SLV mode, set to a value of 10~50V lower than the input voltage to
ensure good torque performance at the motor rated frequency.
(2) Set 17-08 to 85~95% of the motor rated voltage. In general, the no-load voltage can be closer to the motor
rated voltage for larger motors, but cannot exceed the motor rated voltage.
(3) The motor no-load voltage can be set to a value greater than the actual input voltage. In this condition the
motor can only operate at relatively low frequency. If the motor operates at the rated frequency an over
voltage condition may occur.
(4) The higher the motor power, the higher the no-load voltage is.
(5) A smaller no-load voltage will reduce the no-load current. When a load is applied the magnetic flux weakens
and the motor current increases.
(6) A higher no-load voltage results in a higher no-load current. When a load is applied the magnetic flux
weakens and the motor current increases. Increasing the magnetic flux generates back EMF and results in
poor torque control.
Motor excitation current (17-09)
(1) Only available for static-type or stator resistance measurement auto-tuning (17-00=1 or 17-00=2). The data
can be obtained by manual tuning. Normally this parameter does not have to be adjusted.
(2) Motor excitation current is used for rotational auto-tune.
(3) Set motor excitation current to 33% of the motor rated current. During auto-tune the keypad will display
“Atune“ to indicate Auto-tuning is in progress. When the motor is successfully tuned, the keypad shows
Error history of automatic tuning (17-11)
(1) If auto-tuning fails the keypad will display the AtErr" message and the auto-tune cause is shown in
parameter 17-11.
(2) Refer to section 10 for auto-tuning troubleshooting and possible causes.
The motor tuning error history (17-11) shows the tuning result of the last auto-tune. Tuning history does not show
any error when auto-tune is aborted or when the last auto-tune was successful.