GD32A50x User Manual
Must be kept at reset value.
Receive enable acknowledge flag.
This bit, which is set/reset by hardware, reflects the receive enable state of the
USART core logic.
0: The USART core receiving logic has not been enabled.
1: The USART core receiving logic has been enabled.
Transmit enable acknowledge flag.
This bit, which is set/reset by hardware, reflects the transmit enable state of the
USART core logic.
0: The USART core transmitting logic has not been enabled.
1: The USART core transmitting logic has been enabled.
Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode flag.
0: No wakeup from Deep-sleep mode.
1: Wakeup from Deep-sleep mode. An interrupt is generated if WUFIE=1 in the
USART_CTL2 register and the MCU is in Deep-sleep mode.
This bit is set by hardware when a wakeup event, which is defined by the WUM bit
field, is detected.
Cleared by writing a 1 to the WUC in the USART_INTC register.
This bit can also be cleared when UESM is cleared.
Receiver wakeup from mute mode.
This bit is used to indicate if the USART is in mute mode.
0: Receiver in active mode.
1: Receiver in mute mode.
It is cleared/set by hardware when a wakeup/mute sequence (address or IDLEIE)
is recognized, which is selected by the WAKE bit in the USART_CTL0 register.
This bit can only be set by writing 1 to the MMCMD bit in the USART_CMD
register when wakeup on IDLEIE mode is selected.
Send break flag.
0: No break character is transmitted.
1: Break character will be transmitted.
This bit indicates that a send break character was requested.
Set by software, by writing 1 to the SBKCMD bit in the USART_CMD register.
Cleared by hardware during the stop bit of break transmission.
ADDR match flag.
0: ADDR does not match the received character.
1: ADDR matches the received character, An interrupt is generated if AMIE=1 in
the USART_CTL0 register.
Set by hardware, when the character defined by ADDR [7:0] is received.
Cleared by writing 1 to the AMC in the USART_INTC register.
Busy flag.