GD32A50x User Manual
0: Don’t transfer PEC value
1: Transfer PEC
This bit has no effect when RELOAD=1, or SBCTL=0 in slave mode.
Automatic end mode in master mode
0: TC bit is set when the transfer of BYTENUM[7:0] bytes is completed.
1: a STOP signal is sent automatically when the transfer of BYTENUM[7:0] bytes is
This bit works only when RELOAD=0. This bit is set and cleared by software.
Reload mode
0: After the data of BYTENUM[7:0] bytes transfer, the transfer is completed.
1: After data of BYTENUM[7:0] bytes transfer, the transfer is not completed and the
new BYTENUM[7:0] will be reloaded. Every time when the BYTENUM[7:0] bytes
have been transferred, the TCR bit in I2C_STAT register will be set.
This bit is set and cleared by software.
Number of bytes to be transferred
These bits are programmed with the number of bytes to be transferred. When
SBCTL=0, these bits have no effect.
These bits should not be modified when the START bit is set.
Generate NACK in slave mode
0: an ACK is sent after receiving a new byte.
1: a NACK is sent after receiving a new byte.
The bit can be set by software, and cleared by hardware when the NACK is
sent, or when a STOP signal is detected or ADDSEND is set, or when I2CEN=0.
When PEC is enabled, whether to send an ACK or a NACK is not depend on the
NACKEN bit. When SS=1, and the OUERR bit is set, the value of NACKEN is
ignored and a NACK will be sent.
Generate a STOP signal on I2C bus
This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware when I2CEN=0 or STOP signal
is detected.
0: STOP will not be sent
1: STOP will be sent
Generate a START signal on I2C bus
This bit is set by software and cleared by hardware after the address is sent. When
the arbitration is lost, or a timeout error occurred, or I2CEN=0, this bit can also be
cleared by hardware. It can be cleared by software by setting the ADDSENDC bit
in I2C_STATC register.
0: START will not be sent
1: START will be sent
10-bit address header executes read direction only in master receive mode
0: The 10 bit master receive address sequence is START + header of 10-bit address