GD32A50x User Manual
USART_CMD register.
Cleared by a write to the USART_TDATA.
Transmission completed.
0: Transmission is not completed.
1: Transmission is complete. An interrupt will occur if the TCIE bit is set in
Set by hardware if the transmission of a frame containing data is completed and if
the TBE bit is set.
Cleared by writing 1 to TCC bit in USART_INTC register.
Read data buffer not empty.
0: Data is not received.
1: Data is received and ready to be read. An interrupt will occur if the RBNEIE bit
is set in USART_CTL0.
Set by hardware when the content of the receive shift register has been
transferred to the USART_RDATA.
Cleared by reading the USART_RDATA or writing 1 to RXFCMD bit of the
USART_CMD register.
IDLE line detected flag.
0: No Idle Line is detected.
1: Idle Line is detected. An interrupt will occur if the IDLEIE bit is set in
Set by hardware when an Idle Line is detected. It will not be set again until the
RBNE bit has been set itself.
Cleared by writing 1 to IDLEC bit in USART_INTC register.
Overrun error.
0: No Overrun error is detected.
1: Overrun error is detected. An interrupt will occur if the RBNEIE bit is set in
USART_CTL0. In multibuffer communication, an interrupt will occur if the ERRIE
bit is set in USART_CTL2.
Set by hardware when the word in the receive shift register is ready to be
transferred into the USART_RDATA register while the RBNE bit is set.
Cleared by writing 1 to OREC bit in USART_INTC register.
Noise error flag.
0: No noise error is detected.
1: Noise error is detected. In multibuffer communication, an interrupt will occur if
the ERRIE bit is set in USART_CTL2.
Set by hardware when noise error is detected on a received frame.
Cleared by writing 1 to NEC bit in USART_INTC register.
Frame error flag.
0: No framing error is detected.
1: Frame error flag or break character is detected. In multibuffer communication,