Organizing photos in the catalog
Collapsed stack (top) and expanded stack (below)
Here are a few tips for working with stacks:
Any Develop adjustments, ratings, flags, or color labels applied to a collapsed stack affect only the top photo.
If you select a photo in a stack and add it to a Quick Collection or collection, only the selected photo is added, not
the entire stack.
When you search for photos, the top photo in a stack appears with the number of photos in the stack in the upper-
left corner.
The top photo in a stack displays the number of photos in a stack
Stack photos
In the Grid view or the Filmstrip in the Library module, select the photos you want to stack.
Stacked photos must be located in the same folder.
Choose Photo
> Stacking > Group Into Stack.
The stacked photos are arranged contiguously and display stacking order numbers in the upper-left corner of their
thumbnails. The top photo in the stack is “1,” the next photo is “2,” and so forth.
If you select two stacks and choose Photo > Stacking > Group Into Stack, only the top photo from the second stack
is moved into the stack you selected first.
Unstack photos
In the Grid view or the Filmstrip in the Library module, do one of the following:
Select the thumbnail of a collapsed stack.
If the stack is expanded, select any photo in the stack. You don’t have to select all photos in the stack.
Choose Photo
> Stacking > Unstack.
Updated 03 September 2009