Creating and viewing slide shows
The Slideshow module includes the following panels:
Displays the layout of a template with a thumbnail preview. Moving the pointer over the template name
displays its page layout in the Preview.
Template Browser
Selects or previews the slide layout for photos.
Displays the collections in the catalog.
Determines how the photos appear in the slide layout, and whether they have a border or cast shadow.
Customizes the page layout by specifying the size of the image cell in the slide template.
Specifies the text and other objects that are displayed in the slide with the photo.
Specifies the colors or image behind the photo on each slide.
Specifies introductory and ending slides for the show.
Specifies how long each slide is displayed in the presentation, the duration of the transition between slides,
whether music plays with the slide show, and whether to present the photos in random order.
For a video about all of the output modules in Lightroom, go to
For a video about using the Slideshow module, go to
Specifying the slide layout
Choose a slide show template
Slide show templates provide a quick way to define the look and behavior of your presentation. They specify whether
the slides have borders, drop shadows, text, a logo, and the color or image behind each photo.
Lightroom comes with several premade templates you can select from the Template Browser. Moving the pointer over
a template name in the Template Browser of the Slideshow module displays a template preview at the top of the left
You can customize the settings in a slide show template using the controls in the panels on the right side of the
Slideshow module or by moving elements in the Slide Editor view. You can save your modifications as a custom
template, which appears in the Template Browser list.
Premade slide show templates
Caption And Rating
Centers the photo on a gray background with rating stars and caption metadata visible.
Crop To Fill
Displays the photos full screen. Portions of the images (especially vertical images) might be cropped to fill
the screen’s aspect ratio.
Centers the photo on a gray background with rating stars, filename, and your identity plate visible.
EXIF Metadata
Centers photos on a black background with rating stars, EXIF information, and your identity plate
Displays the full frame of each photo, adding black bars to fill the aspect ratio of the screen.
Updated 03 September 2009