Creating web photo galleries
The Web module includes the following panels:
Displays the layout of a template. An icon on the lower-left side of the panel indicates whether the template
is for a Lightroom HTML gallery or Lightroom Flash gallery
Template Browser
Displays a list of web photo gallery templates. Moving the pointer over the template names displays
its page layout in the Preview.
Displays the collections in the catalog.
Selects the default Lightroom Flash Gallery or Lightroom HTML Gallery templates, or one of three Airtight
Interactive gallery layouts.
Site Info
Specifies the title of your web photo gallery, the collection title and description, contact information, and the
web or mail link.
Color Palette
Specifies the colors for text, web page background, cells, rollover, grid lines, and index numbers.
Specifies the image cell layout (for a Lightroom HTML gallery) or page layout (for a Lightroom Flash
gallery). Also specifies whether an identity plate appears on the web pages and lets you add drop shadows and define
section borders.
Image Info
Specifies the text displayed with the image previews.
Output Settings
Specifies the maximum pixel dimension of the photos and JPEG quality, and whether to add a
copyright watermark.
Upload Settings
Specifies upload settings to send your web gallery to a server.
You can filter your selected photos in the Web module by clicking Use in the toolbar and choosing All Photos, Selected
Photos, or Flagged Photos.
For a video about all of the output modules in Lightroom, go to
For a video about using the Web module in Lightroom, go to
Specifying web gallery layouts
Choose a web gallery template
Lightroom has premade HTML and Flash web gallery templates that you can select in the Template Browser. You can
customize premade templates by specifying certain elements, such as colors, gallery layout, text, and an identity plate,
for your gallery. Customizing the premade templates doesn’t modify them, but you can save your modifications in a
new, custom template. Custom templates are listed in the Template Browser of the Web module.
Lightroom includes three Flash gallery layouts from Airtight Interactive: Airtight AutoViewer,
Airtight PostcardViewer, and Airtight SimpleViewer. Choose them in the Engine panel. The Airtight Interactive plug-in
provides custom options in Web module panels, which you can use to modify the Airtight layouts.
In the Web module, click a template in the Template Browser.
The preset templates appear under the Lightroom Templates folder, but you can add new folders and custom
templates. Click the arrow next to a folder to expand or collapse it.
When you select a template, the Engine panel indicates whether the template is a Flash gallery or an HTML gallery.
To download a variety of third-party web gallery templates, visit
Updated 03 September 2009