Developing photos
Changes the vividness or purity of the color.
Adds depth to an image by increasing local contrast.
Enhances edge definition to bring out details in the photo. A negative value blurs details.
Applies a tint to the selected area. Select the hue by double-clicking the Color box under the effect names.
Soften Skin
Applies a combination of Clarity and Sharpness adjustments to make skin tones appear softer and more
pleasing to the eye.
You can also select an effect by clicking its name under the Amount slider.
Drag the Amount slider to the right to increase the strength of the selected effect; drag the Amount slider to the left
to decrease the strength of the selected effect. Or, click the Plus icon
(+) by the effect name to increase the effect;
click the Minus icon
(-) by the effect name to decrease the effect.
(Optional) Click the Show Effect Sliders switch to drag sliders for each effect, and to apply more than one type of
adjustment at a time.
Specify options for Adjustment Brush A, which is selected by default:
Specifies the diameter of the brush tip in pixels.
Creates a soft-edged transition between the brushed area and the surrounding pixels.
Controls the rate of application of the adjustment.
Auto Mask
Confines brush strokes to areas of similar color.
Controls the amount of transparency in the stroke.
Move the Adjustment Brush tool over the photo in the image display area.
The Plus icon
(+) in the center of the circle indicates the application point. The circle indicates the brush size. If the
Feather amount is greater than zero, the brush cursor appears as two concentric circles. The distance between the inner
and outer circle represents the feather amount.
Drag in the photo to apply an Adjustment Brush tool stroke to the area that you want to correct.
When you release the mouse, an adjustment pin
appears at the initial application point of the adjustment. In the
Adjustment Brush tool drawer, the Mask mode changes to Edit, and the Effect sliders become available to refine the
To see a mask of the adjustment, position the pointer over the adjustment pin.
(Optional) Refine the adjustment by doing any of the following:
Move the pointer over the adjustment pin and drag the double-pointing arrow to the right to increase the effect, or
to the left to decrease the effect.
Customize the adjustment by dragging the advanced Effect sliders in the tool drawer.
Press the O key to hide or show the mask overlay.
Press the H key to hide or show the adjustment pin.
To undo part of the adjustment, click Erase in the Adjustment Brush tool drawer, and paint over the adjustment.
When you paint in Erase mode, the Adjustment Brush tool appears over the photo with a Minus icon
(-) at its
Remove the adjustment completely by positioning the pointer over the adjustment pin and pressing Delete.
Press Ctrl+Z (Windows) or Z (Mac
OS) to undo your adjustment history.
Updated 03 September 2009