Chapter 9: Exporting photos
Photos in Adobe®
Lightroom® can be exported as JPEG, PSD, TIFF, or DNG files for different uses.
More Help topics
Exporting photos: Basic workflow
” on page 13
Exporting photos to disk
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Combine or merge catalogs
” on page 53
Export files to disk or CD
Select the photos you want to export and choose File
> Export.
By default, Lightroom exports photos to disk, as indicated at the top of the Export dialog box.
To export photos to an optical disc, click the pop-up menu at the top of the Export dialog box and choose Files On
CD/DVD. When you click Export, Lightroom prompts you through the process of burning the files to a writable
CD or DVD.
Export Files On CD/DVD is not available in the 64-bit Windows version of Lightroom.
For a video about exporting photos from Lightroom, go to
Choose an export destination folder
In the Export dialog box, do any of the following:
Choose Export To
> Same Folder As Source Photo.
Choose Export To
> Specific Folder. Then click the Choose button next to the Folder path string and specify a
destination folder for the exported files.
Click the triangle next to the Choose button to pick a recent folder from the pop-up menu.
(Files On CD/DVD only) Choose Export To
> Temporary Folder. This option exports files to a temporary folder
that is discarded after the photos are burned to the CD or DVD.
(Optional) Select Put In Subfolder if you want the photos exported to a subfolder within the destination folder. You
can type a name for the subfolder.
(Optional) Check Add To This Catalog to automatically add the exported photos to the current Lightroom catalog.
If the exported photos are part of an image stack, check Stack With Original to include the re-imported photo with
the original stack.
Specify what to do if a file with the same name exists at the chosen location:
Ask What To Do
Displays an alert that lets you resolve the naming conflict by choosing a new name, overwriting the
existing file, or not exporting the file.
Updated 03 September 2009