Developing photos
Delete a snapshot
In the Snapshots panel of the Develop module, select the snapshot and click the Delete Selected Snapshot (-) button
in the panel header.
Do not press the Delete key on your keyboard; this will delete the currently selected photo.
Track image adjustments in the History panel
The History panel keeps a record of the date and time that a photo was imported into Lightroom, including any preset
that was applied at the time. Afterward, whenever you make an adjustment to the photo, Lightroom saves that
adjustment as a state and lists it with all the other states chronologically in the History panel. You can change the names
of the states, but you cannot change the order in which they are listed.
Preview each state of the photo by rolling the pointer over the list in the History panel and viewing the effects in the
Navigator panel.
Select a state in the History panel to reapply it to the photo or to save it as a snapshot.
Double-click a state to select its name, type a new name, and press Enter or Return.
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac
OS) a state and choose Copy History Step Settings To Before to copy
a single adjustment.
Click the Clear All button
(the X) on the History panel header to remove all states from the listing.
When the list of states gets too long in the History panel, create snapshots of the states you want to keep. Then, clear
the panel by clicking the Clear All button. This removes the list of states without affecting the current image settings.
More Help topics
Create snapshots
” on page 122
Undo image adjustments
” on page 103
Copy settings to the Before or After version of a photo
” on page 104
Updated 03 September 2009