The Lightroom workflow
Select images from the Library.
In the Library module, select images in the Grid view or Filmstrip. Or select a folder, collection, or keyword to display
the photos to include in the web photo gallery. You can refine your selection and then add the photos to the Quick
Collection or a collection. You can also use the Quick Collection to assemble photos from multiple folders or photos
that have different keywords. See “
Selecting photos in the Grid view and the Filmstrip
” on page 45 and “
” on page 66.
If you plan to modify your web gallery later, it is a good idea to assemble all of your photos into a collection, which
preserves the photo order and any custom settings you specify.
You can filter the photos in the Filmstrip of the Web module by clicking the Use pop-up menu in the toolbar and
choosing All Photos, Selected Photos, or Flagged Photos.
Go to the Web module.
The photos that you selected appear in both the Filmstrip and the work area in the center of the Web module.
Rearrange the photo order.
If you assembled your photos into a collection or if you’ve selected a folder that does not contain other folders, drag
photos in the Filmstrip to rearrange them in the order that you want them to appear in the gallery. See “
Rearrange web
gallery photo order
” on page 164.
Choose a template.
Move your pointer over a template name in the Template Browser to see a small preview. Click a template name to
select it for your web gallery.
Enter website information.
In the Site Info panel, type a title for your website, a title for your gallery, and a description. You can also enter your e-
mail address so that visitors to your gallery can click your name to send you an e-mail. See “
Add titles, description, and
contact information to web photo galleries
” on page 165.
(Optional) Specify the web gallery appearance.
In the Color Palette panel, click the color box next to the element that you want to modify and choose a new color for
it. See “
Choose colors for web photo gallery elements
” on page 164.
(Optional) Specify the gallery layout.
In the Appearance panel, modify the gallery layout by setting the Grid options (for HTML galleries) or choosing from
the Layout menu (for Flash galleries). For Flash galleries, you can also specify the size of the thumbnail images and the
enlarged photo in the Appearance panel. See “
Specify the appearance of Lightroom HTML galleries
” on page 164 and
Specify the appearance of Lightroom Flash galleries
” on page 164.
(Optional) Add your identity plate.
Display your identity plate on the web page by checking that option in the Site Info panel (for HTML galleries) or in
the Appearance panel (for Flash galleries). See “
Add your identity plate to web photo galleries
” on page 165.
(Optional) Specify the text that appears with the photos.
In the Image Info panel, type or choose the metadata to display as the title and caption for each photo. Leave the Title
or Caption boxes unchecked if you don’t want text to appear under the photos. See “
Display photo titles and captions
in web photo galleries
” on page 165.
Updated 03 September 2009