Chapter 5: Viewing photos in the catalog
Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® provides many ways to view your photos in the Library module. You can view
thumbnails in the Grid view, 1:1 previews in the Loupe view, and you can compare two or more photos side by side in
the Compare and Survey views. The Filmstrip provides a way to navigate and select photos for viewing.
More Help topics
Viewing and organizing photos
” on page 10
Viewing photos in the Filmstrip
Filmstrip overview
The Filmstrip displays the photos you are working on as you move between modules. It contains photos from the
currently selected Library folder, collection, or keyword set. Move between photos in the Filmstrip using the Left and
Right Arrow keys or by choosing a different source from the Filmstrip Source Indicator pop-up menu to the right of
the navigation buttons.
Lightroom Filmstrip
Show/Hide Second Window button
Go to Grid view
Go Back and Go Forward buttons (to navigate modules)
Filmstrip Source
Indicator and menu
Source filter
Show/Hide Filmstrip control
More Help topics
Setting preferences for working in Lightroom
” on page 27
Selecting photos in the Grid view and the Filmstrip
” on page 45
Hide or show the Filmstrip
Click the Show/Hide Filmstrip icon
at the bottom of the Filmstrip.
Choose Window
> Panels > Show/Hide Filmstrip.
Change the size of the Filmstrip thumbnails
Place the pointer over the top edge of the Filmstrip. When the pointer changes to a double arrow
, drag the
Filmstrip edge up or down.
Double-click the top edge of the Filmstrip to switch between the last two sizes of thumbnails.
Updated 03 September 2009