Developing photos
Adjusts image brightness, mainly affecting midtones. Set the overall tonal scale by setting Exposure,
Recovery, and Blacks. Then set the overall image brightness. Large brightness adjustments can affect shadow or
highlight clipping, so you may want to readjust the Exposure, Recovery, or Blacks slider after adjusting brightness.
Increases or decreases image contrast, mainly affecting midtones. When you increase contrast, the middle-
to-dark image areas become darker, and the middle-to-light image areas become lighter. The image tones are inversely
affected as you decrease contrast.
You can increment the slider values by selecting the value and using the Up and Down Arrow keys.
Double-clicking the slider control resets the value to zero.
For a video about making tonal and color corrections in the Develop module, see
More Help topics
Preview highlight and shadow clipping
” on page 106
Adjust the tonal scale using the histogram
In the Develop module, specific areas of the Histogram panel (for blacks, fill light, exposure, and highlight recovery)
are related to the tone sliders in the Basic panel. You can make adjustments by dragging in the histogram. Your
adjustments are reflected in the Basic panel sliders.
Dragging in the Exposure area of the histogram to adjust the Exposure slider in the Basics panel.
Move the pointer into an area of the histogram you want to adjust. The affected area is highlighted, and the affected
tone control is displayed in the lower left of the panel.
Drag the pointer left or right to adjust the corresponding slider value in the Basic panel.
Preview highlight and shadow clipping
You can preview tonal clipping in a photo as you work on it. Clipping is the shifting of pixel values to the highest
highlight value or the lowest shadow value. Clipped areas are either completely white or completely black, and have no
image detail. You can preview clipped areas as you adjust the tone sliders in the Basic panel.
Updated 03 September 2009