The Lightroom workflow
Choose how to import the photos into your library.
In the Import Photos dialog box, choose whether to import photos by referencing them, by copying or moving them
to a specified directory, or by copying photos as Digital Negative (DNG) files. If you copy or move the photos, specify
the destination folder and how to name the imported files. See “
Import photos from disk into Lightroom
” on page 33.
Select Show Preview to view and select specific photos if you don’t want to import all of the photos in a folder. See
Preview and select the photos to import
” on page
(Optional) Back up your photos as they’re importing.
If you’re copying or moving photos into the library, specify whether to make a one-time backup of the original photos
as they’re imported.
(Optional) Give your files a custom name.
When copying or moving photos into the library, Lightroom by default imports photos using their current filenames.
You can customize the name by choosing an option from the File Naming Template menu. For example, you can add
a sequence number. See “
Name photos when importing
” on page 34.
(Optional) Set options for importing your photos.
In the Information To Apply area of the Import Photos dialog box, you can set options to apply Develop settings,
metadata, or keywords to the photos as they’re imported. See “
Apply Develop settings to photos when importing
” on
page 37, “
Create and apply Develop presets
” on page 101, and “
Apply metadata to photos when importing
” on page 37.
Select the type of previews to display.
The Standard-Size Previews option provides higher quality photos in the Grid view. Selecting Minimal uses the
embedded previews in photos and initially displays photos faster. See “
Specify initial previews when importing
” on
page 37.
Click Import.
Lightroom displays a progress bar in the upper-left corner of the window as it imports the photos. Then it renders
thumbnails in the central area of the Library module.
For a video about importing photos into Lightroom, see
More Help topics
Managing photos
” on page 60
The Library module
After the photos are imported, Lightroom stores them in a database called a
. You view and organize the photos
in your catalog in the Library module.
More Help topics
Creating and managing catalogs
” on page 52
Importing photos into your library
” on page 31
Updated 03 September 2009