Printing photos
About print templates
Templates contain layouts for printing your photos, including any text overlays and print job settings. The Lightroom
Template Browser in the Print module contains premade templates for common tasks, such as making contact sheets
and picture packages. The Template Browser also lists custom templates you have saved. Moving the pointer over a
name in the Template Browser displays its page layout in the Preview panel at the top of the left column. Clicking a
template name displays a preview of selected photos in the work area. The preview updates when you choose a different
template or specify different print options, such as add text overlays.
Lightroom offers two types of layout templates: Grid templates and Picture Package templates. Grid templates let you
print one or more photos of the same size in a variety of configurations, such as in a 4-x-5 contact sheet. Picture
Package templates let you arrange multiple instances of one photo on one or more pages. Picture Package layouts are
optimized for page space and for the minimal cut lines, but they can be manually adjusted as well. Picture Packages are
good for school photos and wedding portraiture.
All templates have image cells for containing photos and margin information. If you specify overlay options, a
template can also contain text areas. The image cells and margins in a template scale to accommodate the paper size
you specify.
Print job settings, including the paper size and printer, are also saved in a print template.
You can create new templates by modifying the settings of existing templates. Select a template, and then use the
controls in the right panels of the Print module, specify the paper size and printer settings in the toolbar, and then add
a custom template to a folder. You can also modify the image cells in a template by dragging the margin guides or cell
boundaries. Layout setting modifications, overlays, and print job specifications can be saved as a custom template.
More Help topics
Create custom print templates
” on page 153
Laying out photos using a Grid template
Choose a Grid template
A Grid template allows you to print one or more photos at the same size in a variety of layouts on one or more pages.
In the Library, select the photo or photos you want to print.
You can filter selected photos in the Print module by clicking Use in the toolbar and choosing All Photos, Selected
Photos, or Flagged Photos.
In the Template Browser of the Print module, select a Grid template.
Confirm the type of template you’ve chosen by looking in the Layout Engine panel to see if the template is a Grid
or Picture Package template.
The preset templates appear under the Lightroom Templates folder, but you can add new folders and custom
templates. Click the arrow next to a folder to expand or collapse it.
More Help topics
Selecting photos in the Grid view and the Filmstrip
” on page 45
Assemble photos into the Quick Collection
” on page 68
Updated 03 September 2009