Creating web photo galleries
Delete custom templates
You cannot delete Lightroom preset templates.
Do one of the following:
Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac
OS) a template in the Template Browser and choose Delete from the
context menu.
Select a template in the Template Browser and click the Remove button.
Import and export templates
You can export templates you’ve created to share with colleagues or to use on a different computer. Templates are
saved with an .lrtemplate extension.
To export a template, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac
OS) a template and choose Export. Type the
name of the template file and click Save.
To import a template, right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac
OS) the area where you want the template to
appear and choose Import. Double-click the template file.
Save web settings as an output creation
Lightroom lets you create output creations, which are collections based on settings you specify in the Slideshow, Print,
and Web modules. With an output creation, it is easy to return to your output settings for a specific collection of
photos. In addition, you can add new photos to the collection, and they automatically include the output settings. An
output creation differs from a custom template in that a template includes the output options, but no photos. An
output creation, however, applies the output settings to the photos in the collection.
In the Library module, select the photos for the web photo gallery.
In the Web module, select a template. Specify the settings you want in the Site Info, Color Palette, Appearance,
Image Info, Output Settings, and Upload Settings panels.
In the Filmstrip, select the photos to include them in output creation.
Click the Plus icon
(+) in the Collections panel and choose Create Web Gallery.
Type a name for your output creation in the Create Web Gallery dialog box. Choose a collection set from the Set
pop-up menu to add the output creation to an existing set, or choose None.
Under Web Gallery Options, select Include Selected Photos. Select Make New Virtual Copies if you want the output
creation to include virtual copies instead of the original photos.
Click Create.
Lightroom adds the output creation to the Collections panel in the specified location. The web gallery output creation
has a grid icon
More Help topics
Photo collections
” on page 66
Create virtual copies
” on page 62
Updated 03 September 2009