DocID025202 Rev 7
Real-time clock (RTC)
Optionally, a tamper event can cause a time-stamp to be recorded. See the description of
the TAMPTS control bit in
Section 27.6.16: RTC tamper and alternate function configuration
27.3.14 Tamper
The RTC_TAMPx input events can be configured either for edge detection, or for level
detection with filtering.
The tamper detection can be configured for the following purposes:
erase the RTC backup registers
generate an interrupt, capable to wakeup from Stop and Standby modes
RTC backup registers
The backup registers (RTC_BKPxR) are not reset by system reset or when the device
wakes up from Standby mode.
The backup registers are reset when a tamper detection event occurs (see
RTC backup registers (RTC_BKPxR)
Tamper detection initialization on page 736
Tamper detection initialization
Each input can be enabled by setting the corresponding TAMPxE bits to 1 in the
RTC_TAFCR register.
Each RTC_TAMPx tamper detection input is associated with a flag TAMPxF in the RTC_ISR
The TAMPxF flag is asserted after the tamper event on the pin, with the latency provided
3 ck_apre cycles when TAMPFLT differs from 0x0 (Level detection with filtering)
3 ck_apre cycles when TAMPTS=1 (Timestamp on tamper event)
No latency when TAMPFLT=0x0 (Edge detection) and TAMPTS=0
A new tamper occurring on the same pin during this period and as long as TAMPxF is set
cannot be detected.
By setting the TAMPIE bit in the RTC_TAFCR register, an interrupt is generated when a
tamper detection event occurs. .
Timestamp on tamper event
With TAMPTS set to ‘1’, any tamper event causes a timestamp to occur. In this case, either
the TSF bit or the TSOVF bit are set in RTC_ISR, in the same manner as if a normal
timestamp event occurs. The affected tamper flag register TAMPxF is set at the same time
that TSF or TSOVF is set.
Edge detection on tamper inputs
If the TAMPFLT bits are “00”, the RTC_TAMPx pins generate tamper detection events when
either a rising edge or a falling edge is observed depending on the corresponding
TAMPxTRG bit. The internal pull-up resistors on the RTC_TAMPx inputs are deactivated
when edge detection is selected.