Advanced-control timers (TIM1)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Bit 15
: Main output enable
This bit is cleared asynchronously by hardware as soon as one of the break inputs is active
(BRK or BRK2). It is set by software or automatically depending on the AOE bit. It is acting
only on the channels which are configured in output.
0: In response to a break 2 event. OC and OCN outputs are disabled
In response to a break event or if MOE is written to 0: OC and OCN outputs are disabled or
forced to idle state depending on the OSSI bit.
1: OC and OCN outputs are enabled if their respective enable bits are set (CCxE, CCxNE in
TIMx_CCER register).
See OC/OCN enable description for more details (
Section 20.4.9: TIM1 capture/compare
Bit 14
: Automatic output enable
0: MOE can be set only by software
1: MOE can be set by software or automatically at the next update event (if none of the break
inputs BRK and BRK2 is active)
Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits
in TIMx_BDTR register).
Bit 13
: Break polarity
0: Break input BRK is active low
1: Break input BRK is active high
Note: This bit can not be modified as long as LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits
in TIMx_BDTR register).
Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective.
Bit 12
: Break enable
0: Break inputs (BRK and CCS clock failure event) disabled
1; Break inputs (BRK and CCS clock failure event) enabled
Note: This bit cannot be modified when LOCK level 1 has been programmed (LOCK bits in
TIMx_BDTR register).
Note: Any write operation to this bit takes a delay of 1 APB clock cycle to become effective.
Bit 11
Off-state selection for Run mode
This bit is used when MOE=1 on channels having a complementary output which are
configured as outputs. OSSR is not implemented if no complementary output is implemented
in the timer.
See OC/OCN enable description for more details (
Section 20.4.9: TIM1 capture/compare
0: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are disabled (the timer releases the output control which
is taken over by the GPIO logic, which forces a Hi-Z state).
1: When inactive, OC/OCN outputs are enabled with their inactive level as soon as CCxE=1
or CCxNE=1 (the output is still controlled by the timer).
Note: This bit can not be modified as soon as the LOCK level 2 has been programmed (LOCK
bits in TIMx_BDTR register).