DocID025202 Rev 7
General-purpose timers (TIM2/TIM3/TIM4)
Figure 202. Counter timing diagram, Update event when repetition counter
is not used
Center-aligned mode (up/down counting)
In center-aligned mode, the counter counts from 0 to the auto-reload value (content of the
TIMx_ARR register) – 1, generates a counter overflow event, then counts from the auto-
reload value down to 1 and generates a counter underflow event. Then it restarts counting
from 0.
Center-aligned mode is active when the CMS bits in TIMx_CR1 register are not equal to
'00'. The Output compare interrupt flag of channels configured in output is set when: the
counter counts down (Center aligned mode 1, CMS = "01"), the counter counts up (Center
aligned mode 2, CMS = "10") the counter counts up and down (Center aligned mode 3,
CMS = "11").
In this mode, the direction bit (DIR from TIMx_CR1 register) cannot be written. It is updated
by hardware and gives the current direction of the counter.
The update event can be generated at each counter overflow and at each counter underflow
or by setting the UG bit in the TIMx_EGR register (by software or by using the slave mode
controller) also generates an update event. In this case, the counter restarts counting from
0, as well as the counter of the prescaler.
The UEV update event can be disabled by software by setting the UDIS bit in TIMx_CR1
register. This is to avoid updating the shadow registers while writing new values in the
preload registers. Then no update event occurs until the UDIS bit has been written to 0.
However, the counter continues counting up and down, based on the current auto-reload
In addition, if the URS bit (update request selection) in TIMx_CR1 register is set, setting the
UG bit generates an update event UEV but without setting the UIF flag (thus no interrupt or