Analog-to-digital converters (ADC)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Bits 7:6
: External Trigger Enable and Polarity Selection for injected channels
These bits are set and cleared by software to select the external trigger polarity and enable the
trigger of an injected group.
00: Hardware trigger detection disabled (conversions can be launched by software)
01: Hardware trigger detection on the rising edge
10: Hardware trigger detection on the falling edge
11: Hardware trigger detection on both the rising and falling edges
Note: Software is allowed to write these bits at any time, once the ADC is enabled (ADEN=1).
Note: If JQM=1 and if the Queue of Context becomes empty, the software and hardware
triggers of the injected sequence are both internally disabled (refer to
Queue of context for injected conversions
Bits 5:2
: External Trigger Selection for injected group
These bits select the external event used to trigger the start of conversion of an injected group:
0000: Event 0
0001: Event 1
0010: Event 2
0011: Event 3
0100: Event 4
0101: Event 5
0110: Event 6
0111: Event 7
1111: Event 15
Note: Software is allowed to write these bits at any time, once the ADC is enabled (ADEN=1).
Bits 1:0
Injected channel sequence length
These bits are written by software to define the total number of conversions in the injected
channel conversion sequence.
00: 1 conversion
01: 2 conversions
10: 3 conversions
11: 4 conversions
Note: Software is allowed to write these bits at any time, once the ADC is enabled (ADEN=1).