DocID025202 Rev 7
Controller area network (bxCAN)
Bits 31:17 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 16
Debug freeze
0: CAN working during debug
1: CAN reception/transmission frozen during debug. Reception FIFOs can still be
accessed/controlled normally.
Bit 15
bxCAN software master reset
0: Normal operation.
1: Force a master reset of the bxCAN -> Sleep mode activated after reset (FMP bits and
CAN_MCR register are initialized to the reset values). This bit is automatically reset to 0.
Bits 14:8 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bit 7
: Time triggered communication mode
0: Time Triggered Communication mode disabled.
1: Time Triggered Communication mode enabled
Note: For more information on Time Triggered Communication mode, refer to
Time triggered communication mode
Bit 6
Automatic bus-off management
This bit controls the behavior of the CAN hardware on leaving the Bus-Off state.
0: The Bus-Off state is left on software request, once 128 occurrences of 11 recessive bits
have been monitored and the software has first set and cleared the INRQ bit of the
CAN_MCR register.
1: The Bus-Off state is left automatically by hardware once 128 occurrences of 11 recessive
bits have been monitored.
For detailed information on the Bus-Off state refer to
Section 31.7.6: Error management
Bit 5
Automatic wakeup mode
This bit controls the behavior of the CAN hardware on message reception during Sleep
0: The Sleep mode is left on software request by clearing the SLEEP bit of the CAN_MCR
1: The Sleep mode is left automatically by hardware on CAN message detection.
The SLEEP bit of the CAN_MCR register and the SLAK bit of the CAN_MSR register are
cleared by hardware.
Bit 4
No automatic retransmission
0: The CAN hardware will automatically retransmit the message until it has been
successfully transmitted according to the CAN standard.
1: A message will be transmitted only once, independently of the transmission result
(successful, error or arbitration lost).
Bit 3
Receive FIFO locked mode
0: Receive FIFO not locked on overrun. Once a receive FIFO is full the next incoming
message will overwrite the previous one.
1: Receive FIFO locked against overrun. Once a receive FIFO is full the next incoming
message will be discarded.