Operational amplifier (OPAMP)
DocID025202 Rev 7
Bit 6:5
OPAMP2 inverting input selection.
Theses bits are set and cleared by software. They are used to select the OPAMP2 inverting input.
00: PC5 (VM0) used as OPAMP2 inverting input
01: PA5 (VM1) used as OPAMP2 inverting input
10: Resistor feedback output (PGA mode)
11: follower mode
Bit 4 Reserved, must be kept at reset value.
Bits 3:2
OPAMP2 non inverting input selection.
Theses bits are set/reset by software. They are used to select the OPAMP2 non inverting input.
00: PD14 used as OPAMP2 non inverting input (STM32F302xB/C/D/E devices only)
01: PB14 used as OPAMP2 non inverting input
10: PB0 used as OPAMP2 non inverting input
11: PA7 used as OPAMP2 non inverting input
Bit 1
This bit forces a calibration reference voltage on non-inverting input and disables external
0: Normal operating mode. Non-inverting input connected to inputs.
1: Calibration mode. Non-inverting input connected to calibration reference voltage.
Bit 0
OPAMP2 enable.
This bit is set and cleared by software. It is used to select the OPAMP2.
0: OPAMP2 is disabled.
1: OPAMP2 is enabled.