Speed control, 391
Speed control configuration
Speed controller adaptation speed lower
Speed controller adaptation speed upper
Speed controller encoderless operation integral time
Speed controller encoderless operation P-gain
Speed controller integral time effective
r1469, 682
Speed controller Kp adaptation speed upper scaling
Speed controller speed actual value smoothing time
Speed controller Tn adaptation speed upper scaling
Speed setpoint filter 1 time constant
Speed setpoint selection
Speed setpoint smoothed
r0020, 472
Speed start of hibernation mode
Speed threshold 1
Speed threshold 2
Speed threshold 3
Speed threshold 4
Speed_ctrl_opt dynamic factor
Speed_ctrl_opt dynamic factor actual
r1968, 729
Speed_ctrl_opt moment of inertia determined
r1969, 729
Speed_ctrl_opt saturation characteristic rotor flux
Speed_ctrl_opt speed
Speed_ctrl_opt vibration test vibration frequency
Square-law characteristic, 379, 388
Stall limit scaling
EN 61800-3, 29
Starting behavior
Starting behavior"; "Optimization, 382
Starting current (voltage boost) permanent
Starting current (voltage boost) when accelerating
Starting current (voltage boost) when starting
Stator resistance reference
Status word
Storage medium, 939
STW1 (control word 1), 209, 265
Switch off
Switch on
Switching on inhibited, 183, 209, 265
Switching-on a motor with BOP-2, 174
Switch-on delay n_act = n_set
System logbook activation
System logbook module selection
p9931[0...180], 892
System runtime relative
p0969, 602
System runtime total
System utilization measured
SINAMICS G120X converter
Operating Instructions, 06/2019, FW V1.01, A5E44751209B AC