Connecting the PROFINET cable to the converter
1. Integrate the converter in the bus system (e.g. ring topology) of the control using PROFINET
cables and the two PROFINET sockets X150-P1 and X150-P2.
Overview of the interfaces (Page 99)
The maximum permitted cable length from the previous station and to the next one is 100 m.
2. Externally supply the converter with 24 VDC through terminals 31 and 32.
The external 24 V supply is only required if communications with the control should also run
when the line voltage is switched off.
You have connected the converter to the control system via PROFINET.
What do you have to set for communication via PROFINET?
Configuring PROFINET communication in the I/O controller
You require the appropriate engineering system for the IO controller to configure PROFINET
communication in the IO controller.
If required, load the GSDML file of the converter into the engineering software.
Device name
In addition to the MAC address and IP address, PROFINET also uses the device name to
identify PROFINET devices (Device name). The device name must be unique across the
PROFINET network.
You assign the device name with the IO controller engineering software.
The converter saves the device name on the memory card plugged into the converter.
IP address
In addition to the device name, PROFINET also uses an IP address.
The IO Controller assigns an IP address to the converter.
Set the same telegram in the converter as in the IO Controller. Interconnect the telegrams in the
control program of the IO Controller with the signals of your choosing.
Drive control via PROFINET or PROFIBUS (Page 206)
Application examples
You can find application examples for PROFINET communication on the Internet:
4.2 Control interfaces
SINAMICS G120X converter
Operating Instructions, 06/2019, FW V1.01, A5E44751209B AC