Mot_temp_mod 1/3 alarm threshold / A thresh
Access level: 2
Calculated: -
Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T, U
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: MDS, p0130
Unit group: 21_1
Unit selection: p0505
Function diagram: 8017
0.0 [°C]
200.0 [°C]
Factory setting:
110.0 [°C]
Sets the alarm threshold for monitoring the motor temperature for motor temperature models 1 and 3.
The stator winding temperature (r0632) is used to initiate the signal.
The following applies for temperature model 1 (I2t):
- only effective from firmware version 4.7 SP6 and p0612.8 = 1.
- Alarm A07012 is output after the alarm threshold is exceeded.
- when commissioning a catalog motor for the first time, the threshold value is copied from p0605 to p5390.
The following applies for temperature model 3:
- after the alarm threshold is exceeded, alarm A07012 is output and a calculated delay time (t = p5371/p5381) is
- if the delay time has expired and the alarm threshold has, in the meantime, not been fallen below, then fault F07011
is output.
See also: r0034, p0605, p0612, r0632, p5391
See also: F07011, A07012, F07013, A07014
When selecting a catalog motor (p0301), this parameter is automatically pre-assigned and is write protected.
Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing write protection.
The hysteresis is 2 K.
Mot_temp_mod 1/3 fault threshold / F thresh
Access level: 2
Calculated: -
Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T, U
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: MDS, p0130
Unit group: 21_1
Unit selection: p0505
Function diagram: 8017
0.0 [°C]
200.0 [°C]
Factory setting:
120.0 [°C]
Sets the fault threshold for monitoring the motor temperature for motor temperature models 1 and 3.
Fault F07011 is output after the fault threshold is exceeded.
The stator winding temperature (r0632) is used to initiate the signal.
The following applies for temperature model 1 (I2t):
- only effective from firmware version 4.7 SP6 and p0612.8 = 1.
- when commissioning a catalog motor for the first time, the threshold value is copied from p0615 to p5391.
See also: r0034, p0612, p0615, r0632, p5390
See also: F07011, F07013, A07014
When selecting a catalog motor (p0301), this parameter is automatically pre-assigned and is write protected.
Information in p0300 should be carefully observed when removing write protection.
The hysteresis is 2 K.
7.2 Parameter list
SINAMICS G120X converter
Operating Instructions, 06/2019, FW V1.01, A5E44751209B AC