Cable resistance / R_cable
Access level: 3
Calculated: -
Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T, U
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: MDS, p0130
Unit group: -
Unit selection: -
Function diagram: -
0.00000 [ohm]
120.00000 [ohm]
Factory setting:
0.00000 [ohm]
Resistance of the power cable between the power unit and motor.
The cable resistance should be entered prior to motor data identification. If it is used subsequently, the difference by
which p0352 was changed must be subtracted from the stator resistance p0350 or motor data identification must be
The parameter influences the temperature adaptation of the stator resistance.
The motor identification sets the cable resistance to 20% of the measured total resistance if p0352 is zero at the time
that the measurement is made. If p0352 is not zero, then the value is subtracted from the measured total stator
resistance to calculate stator resistance p0350. In this case, p0350 is a minimum of 10% of the measured value.
The cable resistance is reset when quick commissioning is exited with p3900 > 0.
Cable resistance / R_cable
G120X_DP (PM330),
G120X_PN (PM330),
G120X_USS (PM330)
Access level: 3
Calculated: -
Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T, U
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: MDS, p0130
Unit group: -
Unit selection: -
Function diagram: -
0.00000 [ohm]
120.00000 [ohm]
Factory setting:
0.00000 [ohm]
Resistance of the power cable between the power unit and motor.
The cable resistance should be entered prior to motor data identification. If it is used subsequently, the difference by
which p0352 was changed must be subtracted from the stator resistance p0350 or motor data identification must be
The difference with which p0352 was manually changed, must also be subtracted from reference parameter p0629 of
the Rs measurement.
The parameter influences the temperature adaptation of the stator resistance.
The motor identification sets the cable resistance to 20% of the measured total resistance if p0352 is zero at the time
that the measurement is made. If p0352 is not zero, then the value is subtracted from the measured total stator
resistance to calculate stator resistance p0350. In this case, p0350 is a minimum of 10% of the measured value.
The cable resistance is reset when quick commissioning is exited with p3900 > 0.
Motor rotor resistance cold / Mot R_r cold
Access level: 3
Calculated: CALC_MOD_EQU Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T, U
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: MDS, p0130
Unit group: -
Unit selection: -
Function diagram: 6727
0.00000 [ohm]
300.00000 [ohm]
Factory setting:
0.00000 [ohm]
Sets the rotor/secondary section resistance of the motor at the ambient temperature p0625.
This parameter value is automatically calculated using the motor model (p0340 = 1, 2) or using the motor data
identification routine (p1910).
See also: p0625
7.2 Parameter list
SINAMICS G120X converter
Operating Instructions, 06/2019, FW V1.01, A5E44751209B AC