Automatic restart start attempts / AR start attempts
Access level: 3
Calculated: -
Data type: Unsigned16
Can be changed: T, U
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: -
Unit group: -
Unit selection: -
Function diagram: -
Factory setting:
Sets the start attempts of the automatic restart function for p1210 = 4, 6, 14, 16, 26.
A change is only accepted and made in the state "initialization" (r1214.0) and "wait for alarm" (r1214.1).
See also: p1210, r1214
See also: F07320
After fault F07320 occurs, the switch-on command must be withdrawn and all of the faults acknowledged so that the
automatic restart function is re-activated.
After a complete power failure (blackout) the start counter always starts with the counter value that applied before the
power failure, and decrements this start attempt by 1. If a further attempt to acknowledge is started by the automatic
restart function prior to power failure, e.g. when the CU remains active on power failure longer than the time p1212 /
2, the fault counter will already have been decremented once. In this case, the start counter is thus decreased by the
value 2.
A start attempt starts immediately when a fault occurs. The start attempt is considered to been completed if the motor
was magnetized (r0056.4 = 1) and an additional delay time of 1 s has expired.
As long as a fault is present, an acknowledge command is generated in the time intervals of p1212 / 2. When
successfully acknowledged, the start counter is decremented. If, after this, a fault re-occurs before a restart has been
completed, then acknowledgment starts again from the beginning.
Fault F07320 is output if, after several faults occur, the number of parameterized start attempts has been reached. After
a successful start attempt, i.e. a fault/error has no longer occurred up to the end of the magnetizing phase, the start
counter is again reset to the parameter value after 1 s. If a fault re-occurs - the parameterized number of start attempts
is again available.
At least one start attempt is always carried out.
After a line supply failure, acknowledgment is immediate and when the line supply returns, the system is switched on.
If, between successfully acknowledging the line fault and the line supply returning, another fault occurs, then its
acknowledgment also causes the start counter to be decremented.
For p1210 = 26:
The start counter is decremented if after a successful fault acknowledgment, the on command is present.
Automatic restart delay time start attempts / AR t_wait start
Access level: 3
Calculated: -
Data type: FloatingPoint32
Can be changed: T, U
Scaling: -
Dynamic index: -
Unit group: -
Unit selection: -
Function diagram: -
0.1 [s]
1000.0 [s]
Factory setting:
1.0 [s]
Sets the delay time up to restart.
This parameter setting is active for p1210 = 4, 6, 26.
For p1210 = 1, the following applies:
Faults are only automatically acknowledged in half of the waiting time, no restart.
See also: p1210, r1214
A change is only accepted and made in the state "initialization" (r1214.0) and "wait for alarm" (r1214.1).
The faults are automatically acknowledged after half of the delay time has expired and the full delay time.
If the cause of a fault is not removed in the first half of the delay time, then it is no longer possible to acknowledge in
the delay time.
7.2 Parameter list
SINAMICS G120X converter
Operating Instructions, 06/2019, FW V1.01, A5E44751209B AC