The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
SGC does not endorse the use of artificial ground plates as a replacement for an
adequate bonding system. While such plates, generally made out of a porous
zinc alloy, provide some grounding, they are also subject to corrosion and
marine growth which reduces their efficiency. There is no substitute for copper
foil and lots of it!
On FRP (fiberglass) hulls, a good connection to the sea may be made by routing
foil as close to the hull as possible. When you have a large foil surface inside the
hull, separated from the sea water by less than 1/2,” a capacitor is formed. This
coupling is very effective. Remember, as far as RF is concerned, total area, not
D.C. continuity, is critical.
Metal hulls are great, but remember if you are dealing with an aluminum hull
that corrosion is a constant enemy. The best connections are welded to the
aluminum and cleaned frequently because aluminum tends to corrode in the
presence of dissimilar metals.
The best ground system is run down the chine, below the waterline, on either
side, plus a run down the keel, picking up the engine block and all tankage
possible in order to build a large surface area ground.
Hull (Top view) showing routing of 2 to 3" copper bonding strap
Fuel and Water tanks
Bonding Foil
In addition to the large metal surfaces, you may also connect life lines and a
metal toe rail (if available) to the bonding system.
It had been common practice for several years to put copper screening in the
cabin roof and mount the HF antenna above the roof. While this worked well at
high frequencies, the lack of capacitive coupling to sea water and the relatively
small size of the ground surface, when compared with a large in-hull bonding
system, make the copper screening approach less desirable.