The SGC Building, 13737 S.E. 26th St. Bellevue, WA. 98005 USA
©1995, SGC, Inc.
TEL: (206) 746-6310 FAX: (206) 746-6384
seconds and if there are no more breaks in the squelch, the unit
will continue in the original direction.
The scan channel mode is similar to the frequency mode in that
when activated, the unit will begin to scan factory
programmed ITU-VOICE and ITU-SITOR channels. The
direction of the scan can be changed using the up and down
arrows. When pressing the arrows in scan, the unit will step
once in that direction and then pause for approximately 2
seconds. This will allow the manual stepping through of the
scan routine to find activity. The ITU or SITOR channels can
be selected by first setting the radio in VOC or TELEX modes
The programmed scan mode allows you to program channels
into one of six banks or files for scanning. There are six banks
with up to 10 files in each, allowing up to 60 channels to be
programmed. When scanning, the unit will search through the
selected banks at a pre-determined rate.
This scan rate may be changed at any time using the
. keys. If the squelch is on during the
scan routing, scanning will pause on a squelch break. If there
is no further activity on that channel, scanning will resume
after 5 seconds. The up/down arrows can be used to change
the direction of the scan and to step through the scan banks
Shift Functions
To access the secondary function keys on the upper half on the front panel, the operator
will depress the
key prior to pressing the desired key. Secondary functions
of keys (The functions printed above the buttons on the panel) are described as follows:
Back Light
This function engages the back lighting of the front panel. To
change the back lighting, press “SHIFT FUNCTION,”
“CHANNEL,” then use the up or down arrow to adjust the
back lighting to a comfortable level.
Control Head #
This key is used to view the Control Head number pre-
programmed by the manufacturer (see INTCM-XCV key in
preceding section).
View Timer
These two keys are used to preview the pre-programmed
alarm times and their corresponding channel or frequency.
SQL Level
This function allows you to set a squelch level by using the Up